Buna! I'm writing from an Internet Cafe in the town of Sighisoara - birthplace of Vlad the Impaler. Our trip has been great so far; Romania is a very interesting country, with lots of history and lots of beautiful sites. This is the third city/town we've been in since Tuesday and we're now trying to decide if we should head straight to Hungary or visit another town (the train schedules will influence this decision quite a bit).
I don't think I mentioned this in my blog before, but I'm actually part Romanian. My grandparents were born in Romania, but consider themselves to be of German liniage (there are/were a lot of Germans in Romania). But I do still feel a bit of connection to this country, its food and its customs. We went to a museum dedicated to the "Romanian peasant" in Bucharest and I loved all the beautiful embroidery. I wish I had been able to take photos of it because I'd love to replicate it at some point! I know my family has a few pieces back in Canada, so that might have to do.
Not sure when I'll get to write again, but hopefully it'll be soon!
If you ever want to find out more about Romania , or why not you're planning your trip or visit to Romania, you may find RomaniaPrivate Tours 's website quite interesting:
Posted by: Bogdan | June 19, 2015 at 02:57 AM